Frequently Asked Questions:

Can external customers shop on this site?

Yes, external customers can shop on the site.

Must I have a Sterling Bank account to shop on the site?

No, you must not be a Sterling account holder to shop on the site. But you are welcome to join the Sterling family. Open an account here

How would my items be delivered to me after placing my orders?

You can choose the Sterling Bank branch closest to you for pick-up or you can provide a preferred delivery address.

Would I be charged extra delivery fee to my preferred location?

Yes, extra charges may apply.

Can I request for a personalised item?

This feature is currently unavailable. You can only purchase Sterling Branded items

Can I return an item(s) that I do not like?

No, we kindly ask you to review the product thoroughly before making a choice. Our aim is to provide you with products that meet your preferences from the start.

What happens if my item(s) is/are damaged?

If any of your items arrive damaged, our customer service team is here to assist you. We ensure that all orders are meticulously verified, processed, and packaged to minimize the risk of damage.

How long will it take for me to get my products after payment?

Delivery takes 3-5 working days for orders outside Lagos, and 24-48hrs for orders within Lagos.